Evolution of Internet. Victory from ARPANET to WWW (1969-2000)


Evolution of internet

Now a days the internet has became an essential part of our life, The internet has a great history that spans several years.In the past the internet began with a military research project and now the internet is interconnected with web of information we rely on. The evolution of internet is a wonderful journey of innovation and technological advancement. this blog explores the key success point of the evolution of internet from the ARPANET to the WORLD WIDE WEB.

ARPA'S Great achievement-ARPANET


In the year 1957, during the cold war between US and Russia, when Soviet Russia successfully sent its first satellite Sputnik-1 into space, the American government was shocked to see the technological advancement of Soviet Russia and in 1958, with the help of US defense department ARPA i.e. Advanced research projects agency was created.During the cold war, ARPA was assigned the task of creating such technology that if US was hit by a nuclear attack during the war, its communication system would continue all over the country so that its military would not have to face any problems.

In the year 1969, ARPA develops its first computer network, which is named ARPANET. Initially, 4 computers from 4 different locations were connected to ARPANET. And the first successful message – “LOGIN” was sent from University of California to Stanford Research Institute. but due to system crash only LO could reach Stanford Research Institute.But because of that successful message, even more computers started getting connected to the Internet. The ARPANET used packet switching technology, but earlier networks used circuit switching networks, similar to telephone lines.


Introduction of TCP/IP

With the grow of ARPANET the requirement of a standardized communication protocol became essential.In the year 1974 Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn developed Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) generally known as TCP/IP. With the help of this standardized communication protocol TCP/IP it was become possible for various computer types to be connected with various networks to speak the same language. In short Transmission of data,interconnectivity and communication of diverse networks become smooth with the help of TCP/IP. Marking a important discovery in the evolution of the internet ARPANET officially adopted TCP/IP on 1 January 1983.

email,Ray tomlinson,TCP/IP protocol, FTP file transfer protocol

The Formation of email and File Transfer Protocol

Earlier the internet was not so advanced and fascinated like browsing websites,listening songs and watching videos.Earlier it only faciliatated communication mainly through email,which was developed by Ray-Tomlinson in 1971,which states Electronic Mail.With the help of email users enabled to send messages electronically across vast distances.

Another development in the 1970s was File Transfer Protocol (FTP) which enabled users to transfer files between computers on the network, and resource sharing.

Innovation of DNS (Domain Name System)

With the increment of connected computers ,managing the network addresses became more challenging task,addressing the issue ,Paul Mockapetris invented Domain Name System (DNS) in the year 1983.The Domain Name System is a hierarchical naming system which helps to convert domain names into numeric addresses which is called IP Address.with the help of DNS users can access any website without memorizing the difficult and lengthy strings.

some top level domains also introduced to categories the large number of websites. such as- .com,.edu,.org,.in etc. which makes internet more user friendly and accessible to a large number of audiences. This was an crucial development in the history of Internet.

Creation of World Wide Web (www)

In between 1980-1990 the demand for internet increase as it works as a tool for researchers and many academies and for general public also.As the internet provided the infrastructure for global communication,in 1989 WWW was created by Tim Berners-Lee who proposed a system for sharing information using hypertext documents linked together via a network.Tim Berners-Lee was Frustrated with the difficulty of sharing information across multiple computer systems,so he envisioned a more user-friendly way to navigate the task.


T. Berners-Lee created the first web browser, called World Wide Web, and the first web server.He launched the first website in 1991.He introduce Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) which become the backbone off web. HTTP and HTML enable creating and linking of various webpages. HTTP established a set of rules for how information is transmitted on the web,and HTML provided the structure and content’s allow the creation of hyperlinked documents.

 These creations laid the preparation for the web pages and websites you are using right now.The world wide web made a turning point in the history of internet. Marc Andreessen developed the first graphical web browser i.e,Mosaic in 1993. www made the internet significantly more user-friendly and accessible

Development of Web-Browsers

The number of websites and users increased day after day in the 1990s.Marc Andreessen’s graphical web browser MOSAIC success push the development of other web browsers like Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer etc.

In the mid-1990s US government decided to privatize the internet.Business recognizing the potential for online commerce .Big companies like Amazon,eBay,yahoo etc emerged laying the foundation for the e-commerce and search engine industries.The number of websites,and the number of online users also increased day by day.

Dot Com Boom and Burst

The late 1990s and early 2000s were marked by the dot-com boom.Many internet based businesses growth rapidly in that period.People having a little business plan and a domain name poured their venture capital into startups. Stock prices skyrocketed as investors bet on the future of the Internet.

However the dangerous bubble burst in 2000, well known to the dot-cum bust. Many businesses went bankrupt, and investors lost their billions of dollars.In spite of the downfall ,The internet continued to grow and change. Current popular companies like Google and Amazon emerge a big role in the development of internet.

For more info visit Dot-com bubble wikipedia.


The Rise of Social Media and Web 2.0

In the mid-2000s Web 2.0 was introduced. Web 2.0 is a tool which can be describe as a transformation of static web pages to dynamic webpages and user generated content.Different social media platform like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube also get popularity at that time.With the help of social media platform new oppurtunities for communication, entertainment, and business also created.

web 2.0
Image by

Web 2.0 included an excessive value on sharing and participation. connecting with friends and relatives,Creating contents through social networking sites ,blogs and wikis made possible with the evolution.This time marked an important change in the role of internet, from a startup informative resources to a interconnected social media platform.

Revolution of Mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT)

In the late 2000s and early 2010s Mobile,smartphones and tablets introduced and became popular in a short period of time in every corner of the world.In 2007 Apple launched iPhone and many more companies developed different mobile operating systems like Android,ios transformed the way people accessed the Internet.Mobile applications and user responsive web design also became important,as with the passes of time users increasingly accessed the web browsers on their mobile phones.

The network of interconnected devices, from household appliances to industrial machinery, that communicate and share data over the Internet is termed as Internet of Things (IoT).The concept of the IoT also take shape together with the revolution of Mobiles .With the development of IoT -innovations in smart phones ,e-commerce, healthcare service, transportation,entertainment,communication,social connectivity,news and many other fields became possible and integrate our daily lives..

The Future of the Internet

Future of internet

Looking ahead to the upcoming years, the needs of users and advancement in technology changing rapidly day by day,which includes rise of social media platforms,e-commerce websites,Artificial intelligence,machine learning chatgpt. The speed of network also increasing from 3G to 4G to 5G.

Due to continuous advancement and addition of new features in technology,Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming how people interact with the Internet.and AI enables personalized experiences,automated analytics for users.By introducing faster 5G network services ,different Internet service providers promises faster,reliable and convenient services.Proper innovation and attention are needed to verify the persistent issues with cybersecurity and data privacy for preserving users confidence in the digital world and to safeguard users privacy.


The transformation of ARANET to the World Wide Web is a big achievement that proofs the creativity of Human is a great progress and it has a big positive impact on our daily live.From the beginning of a military research project to a international network that connects billions of people worldwide,internet has evolve rapidly.As human continue to introduce advance technologies, undoubtedly internet play an integral role in shaping our future. 

Besides of the positive impact internet also has negative impact on people.with the advancement of technology cyber crimes,malicious virus attacks,email fraud also increasing day by every body need to remain careful before sharing any information in the internet.Many government agency are also working on this to aware people by initiating Anti-cyber crime program,cyber crime complaint forms and helpline numbers.

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